Monday, November 26, 2012

MRE and a rainy German day

It was cold and rainy all today and since we spent most of it inside Justin decided that this was the perfect time for me to try an MRE (Meal Ready to Eat) these MREs are distributed to our soldiers out in the field who have no access to REAL food. He has been trying to get me to try one of the "meals" for the last week and today I caved...
Wow doesn't it just look delicious. According to Justin the Maple sausage flavor is one of the best ones.... ya right.
 Inside were tiny little packages: a muffin top, crackers, peanut butter and jelly, granola with dried fruit and dried milk (you are supposed to add water to the mixture), instant coffee and two pieces of gum. 
 Supposedly this is sausage. It smelled and tasted like canned dog food, so I gave Riley most of it. The muffin top however was edible and the granola wasn't as bad as I thought is would be.
Riley passed out after eating most of the MRE, poor dog, even he could barely handle it! Never again will I try anything Justin claims tastes good. Thank goodness I am not in the Army because I would probably starve and to all of those men  and women serving or who have served and had to eat these meals, kudos to ya'll and thank you for protecting our freedom! 

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Turkey, Football and Army Paperwork

Happy late Thanksgiving family and friends!

I have now been hanging out in Germany for a little over a week and apparently I am still in denial because I feel like I'm on vacation instead of actually living here. Due to a few hiccups with the paperwork (it getting lost, offices being closed, people being unhelpful...) I still do not have my command sponsorship, you would think that after three months it would be done but that would asking WAY too much. With that being said we can not get an apartment until the paperwork is finished, luckily Justin's buddy and wife are letting us stay in their extra room. I also can not get a job until the paperwork goes through so I'm living life as a trophy wife.

We spent Thanksgiving with some friends of Justin. It was the perfect homemade thanksgiving meal, seriously the guy who cooked should consider changing careers to being a chef. It was that good! I am getting hungry all over again just thinking about the meal... We ended the holiday watching the ridiculously long Texans game, thank goodness they won!

Yesterday we finally had some time to explore the town outside of the base. We ate some delicious German sausage from a guy grilling randomly on the street and I finally got to drink my first German beer! The town is super cute and everyone was really nice. I'm attempting to pick up the language but its definitely slow learning, too many "i", "e" and consonants.  I've posted some pictures below just so y'all know I am still alive!

Last but not least, JOHNNY FOOTBALL FOR HEISMAN!! Thanks and gig 'em

First German beer!
 Sausage on the street
The lake in the middle of the town

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Riley makes it to Germany... Finally.

After a rather uneventful 7 hour flight into Frankfurt, I managed to get myself, two carry on bags and two huge checked bags out of the terminal where my wonderful husband was waiting to greet me! I finally made it to Germany!! Now let me start by saying that I LOVE my dog, Riley, but I NEVER want to go through the hassle of shipping a dog overseas again... First his carrier wasn't big enough, I bought him the biggest crate available, the next size up was for Saint Bernards! Luckily the nice people at United figured out a way to rig his crate with 2x4s so it gives him the three inches of clearance required for international flights and he finally got all checked in about an hour before his flight thanks to my awesome Dad, Step mom and sister. Once I landed (3 hours before Riley) I walked all over the airport asking where the animal pick up was, after attempting to talk to about 4 different Germans we were handed a map to the "animal lounge". We drive over the animal lounge and they tell us it is going to take an hour to process my dog after his plane lands... Ok, well now we have about two and half hours to kill before I can attempt to get my dog, So on to sight seeing in Frankfurt! It is such a interesting city, really pretty and I love the cobblestones. I am sorry but I didn't take any pictures, after 15 hours of  traveling I looked like a hot mess and was not about to take any pictures.

We eventually headed back up to the airport to get Riley. First I had to check in and get a security card and then pick up my paperwork from one office and take it to another, after they processed it we had to take it to customs and get it cleared and then head back to the original place for the vet inspection. Now normally this would be done before I picked him up but as the German animal handler told me my dog "is not happy and does not like him." So I get suited up in a sterile gown and booties, and head over to the horse stall they had quarantined Riley to. The vet kindly asked me to put the leash on my dog and hold him so she could look him over and scan him for a microchip. She asked me about three different times if I was sure I could control him, I explained to her that I used to work for a vet and I think that set her mind at ease, at least a little bit. Finally about an hour and half later we have Riley and start our two hour drive to the base. The German countryside is so pretty, rolling green hills, adorable little houses and happy cows dotted the landscape. Riley and I finally made it to our new home!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Oh Canada.... Let me start by saying that Air Canada is AWESOME! Plenty of leg room, my own personal TV where I watched the new batman movie and comfy seats. The Toronto airport is interesting and the customs guy did not appreciate my cheeky american humor or my excitement over him adding a Canada stamp to my passport but my defining Canadian moment had to be when I walked into the terminal and the bar to my left was showing only hockey games and to my right was an oversized stuffed animal moose. Right now I'm only slightly concerned that the tv monitor does not display my gate OR even my flight but I have two hours to figure it out... Next stop Frankfurt. Hopefully. Now I'm  off to the bar!
Hey guys! So Justin and I decided to start a little blog about all of our over seas adventures. I am currently sitting in the Houston airport after successfully checking TWO overweight bags, oops, waiting for the first part of my flight to Toronto to start. I have bravely chosen to fly "Air Canada" so hopefully all will go well! We better board soon because I am in desperate need of a glass of wine (yes I am aware that it is only 10:30 am). Riley, our little black lab is on a direct flight into Frankfurt and will be leaving later on tonight, spoiled rotten dog... I love all of you guys, thank you to everybody who helped get me to the airport on time and somewhat organized! I will update y'all when I make it to Germany!