For weeks Justin has been obsessed with looking up the best castles, cathedrals and breweries in the area. So when one of his buddies brought up the idea of a road trip he jumped on it and planned a full day of castle sightseeing. We all piled into our little BMW and took off in the direction the boys thought we were supposed to go. After getting lost a couple of times we pulled over and bought a map. It ended up being the best purchase. We eventually found the castle we had been looking for and it only took a couple of hours. Plus we even hit up a couple of other castle ruins along the way.

Burg Eltz is one of the most famous castles in the region. It was quite the hike down and around to the castle but the hike allowed us plenty of photo opportunities. It was amazing! The castle was set down in a valley and was surrounded by a flowing river that seriously resembled a moat. Hiking trails were all over the area and the castle was even pet friendly. We saw plenty of well behaved dogs roaming the area with their owners. Maybe when Riley is a little older we will take him to a real castle instead of just the ruins... There was a little cafe outside of the courtyard and we were able to get our fill of bratwurst before exploring the area.
We bought our tickets for the english version of the tour and headed down into the "treasury" room while we waited for the tour to start. The treasury contained collections of guns, knives, ornate jewelry, armor and silver ware. It was quite impressive.
Afterwards we headed into the courtyard and started our tour. The young tour guide did such a great job and explained every room perfectly. The rooms were like we had seen before. Huge wooden four poster beds were set up on platforms with stairs up to the bed. Designs painted all over the ceiling. Huge tapestries hung from the walls, oil portraits of past inhabitants and carved wooden furniture decorated every room. Once again pictures were not allowed inside of the castle. Bummer. The tour lasted about 45 minutes and then we took the long uphill hike back to car so we could head on to the next part of our adventure.

We hit the Mosel river and followed it south about 40 minutes to the town of Cochem where our next castle waited. We parked the car right along the river and started the long hike up to Reichsburg castle. Turns out that there was a parking lot right next to the castle so we wouldn't have to hike but I guess we needed the exercise anyways... This castle had a more dark look to it than Burg Eltz and was surrounded by a vineyard so I automatically was more intrigued. We made it just in time for the last tour. Luckily our tour guide was AWESOME. She let us touch things, spoke english and german during the tour and let us take all of the pictures we wanted!

The castle contained a ridiculously deep well, our tour guide dropped water from the top and it took four seconds for it to hit the bottom. The rooms were gorgeous. Dark, carved wood furniture, large paintings and tapestries just like the other castle. A room full of different types of animal mounts and a balcony overlooking the Mosel river and the surrounding vineyards. One of the rooms had a secret door to a passageway that lead to the center of town, quite useful in the old days. The most interesting part of the castle was the witching tower. It was the original, un restored tower of the castle that was used to hold women prisoner until they were tried for witchcraft. The women were pushed from the top window of the castle, if they lived then they were witches and were immediately executed. If they died they were given a proper christian burial.
The Witching Tower |
Apparently every so often at night the castle will actually do a ghost tour. This definitely sparked Justin's interest and I am sure it will be added to our "To Do" list. Although after hearing about the witches I think the tour would scare me! The castle also has a falconry area and four times a day there is a demonstration of the falcons. We just missed the last show but from a distance we could see the falcons perched, they are such beautiful birds. We hiked back down the mountain and headed to the center of town to find a place to eat.
We took our chances on a Mexican food place (all of were from Texas and were craving some southern tex mex). I have to say that it was not the worst mexican food I have had but it was not anywhere close to the best. Afterwards we took a relaxing stroll along the river, reveling in our long day of adventure. Right as it was getting dark the rain started so we piled back in the car and began the long journey back to Baumholder, definitely exhausted.