Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Life as a Country Girl

While life on a small Army post is rather dull, life in the German countryside is awesome! We are within walking distance of miles and miles of trails through the most enchanting forests and country I have ever experienced. For the last day of Justin's time off we decided to take Riley on a long hike. The weather was perfect, the sun was shining (a miracle in Baumholder) and we woke up early to get a good start. We hiked an hour and half up the side of a mountain to be greeted with a gorgeous panoramic view of the area. 

My Boys!

It's hard to imagine life getting any better than this! Especially because the trail that led down the backside of the mountain was steep, icy and essentially a death trap. Luckily the three of us made it safely down despite the ringing artillery fire in the back ground and drastic drop in temperature... Life has been more of an adventure than I could ever imagine and I can't wait to see what is in store for us next! 


  1. Sounds like you are having fun :) I love all the pictures you have been posting! It's gorgeous! Riley looks happy too :) I miss you and love you! Tell Justin and Riley I said hello!

    1. I miss you too!!! You would really like it here in this area, the people are great (most speak english) and the alcohol is cheaper than water! Riley is spoiled rotten, he's passed out snoring, taking up over half the bed right now it ridiculous... Love you, come visit soon!

  2. Sure sounds like you are making the most of your overseas adventure! Glad you found your camera, now I will be expecting more pictures. I would say that you are missing some fun stuff at the rodeo, but it sounds like you've got it beat! Love you and miss you. Lisa said HI.


  3. haha I would actually have LOVED to be at the rodeo. As much as I love it here it sure isn't Texas and you know rodeo season is my FAVORITE time of the year!!! Love you guys and we miss y'all too!
