Monday, October 21, 2013

Less than a month to go now!!

Three weeks, three weeks, three weeks... I kept repeating that to myself after my husband came back from an emergency building meeting where they informed the building tenants that we have had a homeless squatter man living in our basement for who know how long!!! We are now literally living in the "projects". Justin's gone back to working the night shift and I don't feel safe knowing anyone can get access to our building, what if I forgot to lock the door one night?! Hopefully my two beasts will protect me and luckily we fly out in three weeks!

Flights have been booked, the pre housing inspection has been done, our household good pick up has been scheduled, custom inspection takes place tomorrow and on November 7th we move to a hotel for a few days before flying out on the 11th. The puppies are loving their new crates and they will be flying on the same flights as us! As fun as all the traveling has been, I am definitely ready to be back in the States. We did hit our first little hiccup, the housing wait at our next base is 9-12 months... I had been banking on living on base until we got a feel for the area but it looks like it's going to be off base living for us and I have NO idea where to start since I have never even been near the north west.

Almost ready for the next adventure and because no one likes reading a blog without pictures, here are some of the pups. Layla has gotten so big!

She's catching up to Riley in size and she is much faster
She LOVES playing fetch
My little family! 


  1. OH MY GOSH!! She is so big!! She's not a little puppy anymore :(

    But on a happy note... You're coming back!!! Yay!

  2. I know, all of a sudden she just shot up! She is such a goober though, you would love her even more now.

  3. Those are good looking dogs you have there. Oh yeah, the husband too ;-)

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